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Fig. 5 | Radiation Oncology

Fig. 5

From: Impact of FAPI-46/dual-tracer PET/CT imaging on radiotherapeutic management in esophageal cancer

Fig. 5

Tumor IHC staining and correlation between FAP-positive in cells (IHC) and FAPI-46/dual-tracer uptake (PET/CT)

Patient with distal esophageal cancer, A: HE-staining of primary tumor, B: positive FAP-IHC of the same specimen, C: Maximum intensity projection (MIP) with FAPI-46/dual-tracer PET-positive tumor in projection on the distal esophagus, D: Correlation of CRmax (FAPI-46/dual-tracer PET/CT) and FAP-positive cells (“fpc”, in %) in the IHC

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