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Table 6 Elements an AI tool that would reinforce control in clinical practice as perceived by the participating HCPs

From: Cancer care at the time of the fourth industrial revolution: an insight to healthcare professionals’ perspectives on cancer care and artificial intelligence

Elements of an AI tool that would reinforce HCPs’ feeling of being in control in clinical practice


(1) The AI tool should perform as a clinical decision support tool rather than a replacement for HCPs in clinical decisions: the tool should provide suggestions rather than decisions with HCPs having the last word/say in clinical decisions


(2) Accuracy of the AI tool


(3) Validity: the evidence base behind the validity of the AI tool needs to be established


(4) Ease of use: the technology needs to be easy to use and understand by its users


(5) Reproducibility: the technology needs to generate reproducible results


(6) AI Explainability: the AI tool/system should be able to provide explanations about its decisions to the users (i.e., HCPs)