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Table 5 Suggestions provided by HCPs that can facilitate the adoption of an AI-technology and gain the trust of HCPs

From: Cancer care at the time of the fourth industrial revolution: an insight to healthcare professionals’ perspectives on cancer care and artificial intelligence

Suggestions on how an AI-technology can gain the trust of HCPs and facilitate adoptions


Suggestions related to technology

 (1) Evidence-based technology: the AI-technology needs to be evidence-based through robust research such as large RCTs to support the validity, reliability and effectiveness of the technology


 (2) Relative advantage of the technology in comparison to current practice: the AI-technology should be more efficient compared to current traditional methods


 (3) Ease of use: the technology should be easy to use and understand by the users (i.e., HCPs)


Suggestions related to healthcare professionals

 (4) Provision of training and education about AI to HCPs


 (5) Raising awareness about the technology


 (6) Technology not to be replacement of HCPs: the AI-technology should not be perceived as replacement to the role of HCPs