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Table 3 Advantages and disadvantages of the sCT generators investigated in this study

From: Comparison of four synthetic CT generators for brain and prostate MR-only workflow in radiotherapy







Brain: HU underestimation for the skull

Brain: overall worst dosimetric results (Dmean ME and gamma analysis)

Pelvis: unrealistic femur reconstruction (see [10])

Brain and pelvis: requires an additional registration between MR sequences

Pelvis: discrete HU values

Brain: max 1000 HU on the sCT image


Pelvis: sCT generated from the delineation MR sequence

Brain: overall smallest Dmean ME

Brain and pelvis: overall best gamma analysis

Brain: requires an additional registration between MR sequences

Pelvis: the generator automatically fills the rectum to avoid taking into account unreproducible gas when preparing the treatment plan

Brain: the generator does not generate a sCT if high density materials like dental appliance artefact the MR image


Brain: overall smallest Dmean ME

Brain and pelvis: requires an additional registration between MR sequences



Brain and pelvis: sCT generated from the delineation MR sequence


No CT calibration curve provided

Pelvis: only sCT to overestimate the HU of the femoral heads