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Fig. 2 | Radiation Oncology

Fig. 2

From: Diaphragm and abdominal organ motion during radiotherapy: a comprehensive multicenter study in 189 children

Fig. 2

Boxplots showing the individual interfractional mean position variations relative to the refCT in CC direction for all structures, for patients treated with radiotherapy to the thoracic and/or abdominal region. Panel A shows the results of the whole cohort (Npat=189), and panel B of patients < 5.5 years treated with GA (white, Npat=40) and without GA (grey; Npat=35). The diamonds represent the group means. Horizontal bars, boxes, and whiskers represent medians, 50th percentiles (inter quartile range (IQR)), and the highest (lowest) value within 1.5xIQR, respectively. Solid circles denote outliers. The dotted line represents the refCT which differentiates opposite directions, where + and - signs represent caudal/right/posterior and cranial/left/anterior directions, respectively. Abbreviations: refCT, reference computed tomography scan; CC, cranio-caudal; GA, general anesthesia

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