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Table 2 Characteristics of brain metastases treated with 6 × 5 Gy fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (n = 103)

From: Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy of brain metastases: results of a retrospective study



Location, n (%)



81 (78.6%)


22 (21.4%)

Gross tumor volume, GTV (cm³)


 Mean (Standard deviation, SD)

2.6 (4.5)

 Median (Interquartile range, IQR)

0.9 (0.4, 3.6)

Planning target volume, PTV (cm³)


 Mean (SD)

7.5 (9.7)

 Median (IQR)

3.4 (1.8, 9.3)

Response of the metastases on 1st follow-up MRI after a median time of 48 days (IQR 39.0, 61.0), n (%)


 Responsive disease *,

55 (53.4%)

 Stable disease ‡

38 (36.9%)

 Progressive disease §

10 (9.7%)

  1. SD: standard deviation; IQR: interquartile range; GTV: gross tumor volume, PTV: planning target volume, MRI: magnetic resonance imaging
  2. * Complete response (disappearance of the brain metastasis on follow-up MRI) and partial response (at least a 30% decrease in the sum longest diameter of the brain metastasis) were summarized as responsive disease
  3. † Including 5 brain metastases of 4 patients with brain radiation necrosis: Four brain metastases showed radiographically signs of brain radiation necrosis (patients had no neurological symptoms) and regression of enhancing areas on serial follow-up MRIs. There was 1 biopsy proven brain radiation necrosis of a brain metastasis of a patient with neurologic deficits. Histology showed no residual tumor cells. All 4 patients with brain radiation necrosis (4 x malignant melanoma, 1 x adrenal cancer) received immunotherapy at the time of diagnosis of brain radiation necrosis
  4. ‡ Stable disease was defined as neither fulfilling the criteria for partial response nor progressive disease
  5. § Progressive disease was defined as at least a 20% increase in the sum longest diameter of the brain metastasis and an increase by 5 mm or more