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Fig. 2 | Radiation Oncology

Fig. 2

From: Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy of brain metastases: results of a retrospective study

Fig. 2

Kaplan-Meier analysis of OS stratified by response on 1st follow-up MRIs (n = 73)

In cases of patients with > 1 brain metastases, the worst response was analyzed and progression was defined as at least one brain metastasis fulfilling the criteria of progression. Complete response (disappearance of the brain metastasis) and partial response (at least a 30% decrease in the sum longest diameter of the brain metastasis) in MRI were summarized as response. Stable disease was defined as neither fulfilling the criteria for partial response nor progressive disease. Progressive disease was defined as at least a 20% increase in the sum longest diameter of the brain metastasis and an increase by 5 mm or more in MRI

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