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Table 1 Dose-volume endpoint evaluation

From: Knowledge-based IMRT planning for individual liver cancer patients using a novel specific model


Acceptable criteria


V95% > 95%


D98% > 47.50 Gy


D2% < 55.02 Gy

Normal liver

Dmean < 23 Gy

V30Gy < 28%

V40Gy < 24%

Spinal cord

Dmax < 40 Gy

Right kidney

Dmean < 18 Gy

V5Gy < 70%

V10Gy < 55%

V15Gy < 35%

  1. Abbreviations: PTV planning target volume, Dmean the mean dose for the normal liver or right kidney, Dmax the maximum dose for the spinal cord, VxGy volume receiving at least XGy, DY% dose delivered to at least Y% of the volume