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Table 1 Patient characteristics and results of short- and long-term survivors with glioblastoma

From: A comparison of long-term survivors and short-term survivors with glioblastoma, subventricular zone involvement: a predictive factor for survival?

Patient characteristics of STS and LTS


STS; n = 50

LTS; n = 5O

Age (years)

64, 8

51, 9

< 60 years

16 (32)

35 (60)

> 60 years

34 (68)

15 (30)

< 70 years

34 (68)

43 (86)

> 70 years

16 (32)

7 (14)


33 (66)

26 (52)


17 (34)

24 (48)

Tumor location

Right hemisphere

16 (32)

24 (48)

Left hemisphere

24 (48)

23 (46)

Both hemispheres

10 (20)

3 (6)

Location close to the ventricle (< 10 mm)

44 (88)

33 (68, 8)

Location distant to the ventricle (≥ 10 mm)

6 (12)

15 (31, 3)

Involvement of the ventricle system

30 (60)

18 (39, 1)

Multifocal disease

12 (24)

7 (15, 2)

Subependymal spread

15 (30)

5 (10, 9)

Extent of resection


26 (52)

5 (10, 4)

Total resection

7 (14)

22 (45,8)

Partial resection

17 (34)

22 (45,8)

Ventricle opening during surgery

8 (16)

17 (34,7)

Classification (Lim et al.)

Type I

18 (36)

21 (43,8)

Type II

16 (32)

6 (12, 5)

Type llI

9 (18)

15 (31, 3)

Type IV

7 (14)

6 (125)

MGMT hypermethyation

4 (36, 4)

12 (70, 6)

Radiotherapy within a study

23 (46)

25 (50)

GD (Gy)

56, 8

45, 1

RT as Re-irradiation

3 (6)

15 (30)


35 (70)

38 (76)


32 (64)

35 (70)

  1. Numbers in brackets represent percentages and refer to the absolute values in front.