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Table 1 Clinical, treatment and dosimetric parameters

From: Combined brachytherapy and external beam radiotherapy without adjuvant androgen deprivation therapy for high-risk prostate cancer


Median (range)

Count (%)

Continuous variables


  Age (years)

70 (54–86)


  Initial PSA (ng/mL)

11.95 (3.7–48.0)


  Positive biopsy rate (%)

33.0 (13.0–100)


  Prostate D90 (Gy)

124.8 (100.0–206.5)


  BED (Gy2)

213.5 (178.5–245.5)


Categorical variables


  PSA level in ng/mL




86 (41.7%)



39 (19.0%)

   ≥ 20


81 (39.3%)

  Gleason score




26 (12.6%)



54 (26.2%)



126 (61.2%)

  Clinical T stage




142 (69.0%)



46 (22.4%)



18 (8.6%)

  No. of high-risk features




186 (90.3%)



19 (9.2%)



1 (0.5%)

  Neoadjuvant ADT




101 (49.0%)

  1. Abbreviations: PSA = prostate specific antigen; D90 = the minimal dose received by 90% of the prostate; BED = biologically effective dose; ADT = androgen deprivation therapy.