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Table 1 Cell-coating experiments

From: Engineering cell-fluorescent ion track hybrid detectors

Cell line

Seeding density [1/well]

Fibronectin [ng/ml]



> 24 h

> 48 h

> 120 h


10 000

2.5, 5, 10, 20

Single cells, no network

Single cells, no network (*)

Network of overlapping cells


150 000

2.5, 5, 10, 20

network of overlapping cells


150 000






10 000

2.5, 5, 10, 20

single cells, no network

single cells, no network (*)

single cells, no network


150 000

2.5, 5, 10, 20

loosely packed network


150 000


loosely packed network



200 000






200 000


tightly packed monolayer



200 000


tightly packed monolayer


200 000


tightly packed monolayer



50 000



tightly packed monolayer


150 000

1, 2.5, 5

tightly packed monolayer


150 000


tightly packed monolayer

  1. The table shows the results of cell coating on the surface of FNTD crystals using different cell lines with and without a fibronectin intermediate layer. Each well contained 500 μ l. Cell culture medium was exchanged every 48 h. (*) Proliferation rate is lower compared to cells grown on the untreated bottom of a culture well.