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Fig. 1 | Radiation Oncology

Fig. 1

From: PLK4 as a potential target to enhance radiosensitivity in triple-negative breast cancer

Fig. 1

Anticancer effects of CFI-400945 and RT in TNBC cell lines and patient-derived organoids. Combination of CFI-400945 and RT demonstrates significant augmentation of anticancer effect by decreasing colony formation in (A) MDA-MB-468, (B) SUM159 and (C) MDA-MB-231 cells compared to control (*), RT (α) or CFI-400945 (β) only (p ≤ 0.05), upon simultaneous or sequential combination treatments. The combination effect was observed and was not significantly altered by the pre-treatment of cells with CFI-400945 or RT compared to simultaneous treatment. Synergy of the CFI-400945 and RT combination treatment was observed in (D) BPDXO58 and (E) PDO66 at various concentrations of the drug and RT doses using organoid formation assays. Bright-field microscopy images (4× magnification) were taken 14 days following treatment. The number of organoids were counted by 2 independent observers in at least 3 random fields per each well. The counts were normalized to respective controls in each group. Average number of organoids was normalized to that of control (no-RT, no-drug). Bliss synergy scores were calculated with SynergyFinder and are displayed in the heatmap, where intensity of red indicates higher degree of synergy. RT– Radiotherapy, SF– Surviving Fraction. Scale bar = 500 μm

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