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Table 1 Characteristics of our series of 2493 patients

From: Beyond D’Amico risk classes for predicting recurrence after external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer: the Candiolo classifier


Follow-up, months


 Mean (SD)

56 (36)

 Median (Min-Max)

50 (4–159)

 FU ≥ 2-yy, no (%)

2018 (81 %)

 FU ≥ 5-yy, no (%)

982 (39 %)

 FU ≥ 7-yy, no (%)

481 (19 %)

 FU ≥ 10-yy, no (%)

179 (7 %)

Age, yr


 Mean (SD)

71.7 (5.9)

 Median (Min-Max)

73 (43–86)

PSA, ng/ml


 Mean (SD)

15.0 (26.0)

 Median (Min-Max)

8.6 (0.39-749)

Tumor Stage, %



30.5 %


57.5 %


12 %

Bone Scan staging



67 %

 Not performed

33 %

Abdominal CT staging



59 %

 Not performed

41 %

Endo-coil or pelvic MRI staging



15 %

 Not performed

85 %




49 %

 Not performed

51 %

Biopsic Gleason Score, %



48 %

 3 + 4

22 %

 4 + 3

11.5 %


12 %


6.5 %

D’Amico Risk Classification, %



21.5 %


32 %


46.5 %

Biopsy cores sampled, no


 Mean (SD)

10.3 (4.2)

 Median (Min-Max)

10 (2–42)

% Positive Cores, %


 Mean (SD)

44.3 % (28.0 %)

 Median (Min-Max)

40 % (3-100 %)

RT Dose, ED2Gy


 Mean (SD)

75.5 (3.0)

 Median (Min-Max)

76.0 (67.1-81.1)

RT alone, %

38 %

RT plus ADT, %

62 %

  1. SD Standard deviation, TRUS Trans rectal ultra-sound, ED2Gy Equivalent dose at standard 2 Gy dose per fraction, RT Radiation therapy, ADT Androgen deprivation therapy