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Table 3 Staff and departmental requirements

From: Management of radiation oncology patients with a pacemaker or ICD: A new comprehensive practical guideline in The Netherlands


Low risk

Medium risk

High risk


- resuscitation protocol

- see low risk+

- see medium risk+

- good consultancy agreement with cardiology / electrophysiology dept.

- Crash cart including ECG monitor and defibrillator (or AED) available at treatment unit

- ECG monitoring at every fraction

-external pacemaker available


- Radiation oncologist and clinical

- see low risk+

- see medium risk+

physicist available with sufficient

- cardiologist/pacemaker


knowledge in the management of patients with a CIED.

technician should be available within 10 minutes

- trained staff examines ECG

- Radiation therapy technologists should receive training so they can manage complications experienced by the CIED patient having radiation treatment

if needed - pacemaker technologist to check CIED weekly

- pacemaker technologist checks CIED after every fraction