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Table 1 Site-specific setups

From: Clinical implementation of magnetic resonance imaging simulation for radiation oncology planning: 5 year experience

Disease site



Setup 1: Brain planning

CT: head board, head support, hybrid 3-point thermoplastic mask, arms on chest, kneefix

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MR: no immobilization devices are used

RF coil: head coil

Tabletop: curved

Slice thickness: 1 mm

Setup 2: Head and neck and upper thorax planning

CT and MR: head board, head support, 5-point thermoplastic mask, arms on the chest for all except for by sides for esophagus, kneefix

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RF coil: anterior, posterior and flex coil for HN and superior esophagus; posterior and flex coil for cervical an upper thoracic spine

Tabletop: flat

Slice thickness: 1 mm for spine; 1.5–2 mm for head and neck, brachial plexus, and upper esophagus

Brachial plexus: patients are shifted toward the contralateral side

Setup 3: Breast planning

CT and MR: head support, vacuum cushion, arms above the head, align patient’s tattoos to ensure same set up. Vacuum cushion is omitted when it does not fit inside the bore

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RF coil: posterior and flex coil

Tabletop: flat

Slice thickness: 1.5–2 mm

Setup 4: Lower thorax, abdomen, and pelvic bones SBRT planning

CT: whole body vacuum cushion, head support, arms above the head. 4D CT with no abdominal compression for abdominal treatment

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MR: head support, arms above the head, align patient’s tattoos to ensure same set up

RF Coil: posterior coil for spine; posterior and anterior coil for abdominal and pelvic bone SBRT

Tabletop: curve

Slice thickness: 1 mm for spine; 1.5–2 mm for abdominal SBRT

Setup 5: Lower thorax and abdomen non-SBRT planning

CT and MR: head support, arms above the head, kneefix, align patient’s tattoos to ensure same set up

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4D CT-SIM with no abdominal compression for patients with abdominal tumours

RF coil: posterior and anterior coil

Tabletop: flat

Slice thickness: 1.5–2 mm

Setup 6: Pelvis planning

CT and MR: head support, arms on chest, W foam, align patient’s tattoos to ensure same set up

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Tabletop: flat

RF coil: posterior and anterior coil

Slice thickness: 1.5–2 mm

Uterine cancer: CT is acquired with full bladder, and MR with both full/empty bladder

Vulvar and anal canal: CT-Planning with a vacuum cushion (frog leg); MR-Planning should replicate the frog leg position as much as possible

  1. MR magnetic resonance, CT computed tomography, SBRT stereotactic body radiotherapy, RF radiofrequency