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Table 2 Short description of delineation guidelines per organ at risk, the errors delineated and possible consequences

From: Interobserver variability in organ at risk delineation in head and neck cancer

Organ at risk

International consensus guidelines [18]


Consequences of errors


Cranial: bottom section of the lateral ventricles

Caudal: tip of the dens of C2

Cranial: start when the brainstem becomes visible (all RO)

Caudal: different interpretation of “tip” so a few slices difference

No impact on relevant dose parameter for precise NTCP (Dmax), depending on tumour location. But can effect estimated dose to spinal cord which has a more strict dose constraint


CT scan in bone setting, cochlea in temporal bone

Incorrect location (2 RO)

Entire petrous part of the temporal bone delineated (3 RO)

Effect on dose when wrong location is delineated

Difference in volume can have an impact on Dmean and Dmax depending on tumour location

Glottic area

Cranial: cranial tip of arytenoids

Caudal: caudal edge of thyroid cartilage

Posterior: cricoid, anterior border of arytenoids

Enclosed by the thyroid cartilage

Entire larynx delineated, starting caudal of the hyoid and including the thyroid cartilage and arytenoids (2 RO)

Included caudal part of supraglottic larynx (2 RO)

Included arytenoids (2 RO)

Impact on relevant dose parameter for precise NTCP (Dmean)


CT scan in bone setting

Excluding teeth, including mandibular condyles and coronoid process

Teeth included (not systematically, but some RO in some cases)

Mandibular condyles and coronoid process not included (1 RO systematically)

No impact on relevant dose parameter for precise NTCP (Dmax), depending on tumour location

Oral cavity

Cranial: Hard palate mucosa and mucosal reflections near the maxilla

Caudal: base of tongue mucosa and hyoid posteriorly and the mylohyoid and anterior belly of the digastric muscle anteriorly

Anterior and lateral: inner side of the mandible and maxilla

Posterior: soft palate, uvula and base of tongue

Included teeth (two RO)

Included the buccal mucosa (1 RO)

Excluded posterior part of oral cavity (1 RO)

Excluded base of tongue (1 RO)

Impact on relevant dose parameter for precise NTCP (Dmean)

Parotid gland

Cranial: external auditory canal, mastoid process

Caudal: posterior part submandibular space

Anterior: Masseter muscle, posterior border mandibular bone, pterygoid muscle (med. and lat.)

Posterior: sternocleidomastoid muscle, lateral side posterior belly digastric muscle

Lateral: platysma and subcutaneous fat

Medial: Posterior belly of the digastric muscle, styloid process, para-pharyngeal space

Cranial and caudal borders varied up to a few slices between RO

Anterior: sometimes inclusion of the masseter and pterygoid muscles

Medial: digastric muscle sometimes included

Impact on relevant dose parameter for precise NTCP (Dmean)

PCM inferior [21]

Caudal: lower edge of arytenoids

Cranial: first slice caudal to the hyoid bone

Caudal: several slices difference between RO

Impact on relevant dose parameter for precise NTCP (Dmean)

PCM middle [21]

Cranial: cranial border of C3

Caudal: caudal border of hyoid bone

Cranial: cranial border stopped at caudal border of C3 (3 RO). Only 2 RO delineated cranially enough

Impact on relevant dose parameter for precise NTCP (Dmean)

PCM superior [21]

Cranial: tips of the pterygoid plates (hamulus)

Caudal: caudal border of C2

Cranial: 1 RO delineated the superior muscle up to the base of skull

Impact on relevant dose parameter for precise NTCP (Dmean)

Spinal cord

Spinal cord, not canal

Cranial: tip of dens of C2

Caudal: At least cranial edge of T3, lower for more caudal tumours

Spinal canal delineated (2 RO)

Cranial: some difference depending on what was interpreted as “tip” of dens of C2

Caudal: not caudal enough, stopped several slices too high (3 RO, each in one patient)

No impact on relevant dose parameter for precise NTCP (Dmax), depending on tumour location. But can effect estimated dose to brainstem which has a less strict dose constraint

Submandibular gland

Cranial: medial pterygoid muscle and mylohyoid muscle

Caudal: fatty tissue

Anterior: lateral surface mylohyoid muscle and hyoglossus muscle

Posterior: para-pharyngeal space, sternocleidomastoid muscle

Lateral: medial surface medial pterygoid muscle, mandible, platysma

Medial: lateral surface mylohyoid muscle, hyoglossus muscle, superior and middle PCM, anterior belly digastric muscle

Cranial: some variation in cranial border between RO

Impact on relevant dose parameter for precise NTCP (Dmean)

Supraglottic larynx

Cranial: tip of epiglottis

Caudal: cranial edge of arytenoids

Posterior: inferior PCM, pharyngeal lumen

Confined by the thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone, exclude pharyngeal lumen

Cranial: entire pharyngeal lumen delineated at the tip of the epiglottis (1 RO)

Caudal: delineation 2–3 cm more caudal than guidelines (2 RO)

Impact on relevant dose parameter for precise NTCP (Dmean)

  1. For detailed description of contour guidelines, see Brouwer et al. [18] and Christianen et al. [21]
  2. NTCP normal tissue complication probability, Dmean mean dose, Dmax maximum dose, PCM pharyngeal constrictor muscle, RO radiation oncologist