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Fig. 2 | Radiation Oncology

Fig. 2

From: Dosimetric factors associated with long-term patient-reported outcomes after definitive radiotherapy of patients with head and neck cancer

Fig. 2

Chronological changes in health-related quality of life. Regarding global health status and functional scales (upper parts of 2A), higher score denotes better status. Regarding symptom scales (lower parts of 2A and all of 2B), higher score denotes worse status. Scores in many domains were worse 1 to 3 months after treatment; however, in two-thirds of the domains, they recovered to baseline levels by 6 to 9 months after treatment. Abbreviations: QL2 = global health status, PF2 = physical functioning, RF2 = role functioning, EF = emotional functioning, CF = cognitive functioning, SF = social functioning, FA = Fatigue, NV = Nausea and vomiting, PA = Pain, DY = Dyspnea, SL = Insomnia, AP = Appetite loss, CO = Constipation, DI = Diarrhea, FI = Financial difficulties, HNPA = Pain, HNSW = Swallowing, HNSE = Senses problems, HNSP = Speech problems, HNSO = Trouble with social eating, HNSC = Trouble with social contact, HNSX = Less sexuality, HNTE = Teeth, HNOM = Opening mouth, HNDR = Dry mouth, HNSS = Sticky saliva, HNCO = Coughing, HNFI = Felt ill, HNPK = Pain killers, HNNU = Nutritional supplements, HNFE = Feeding tube, HNWL = Weight loss, HNWG = Weight gain

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