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Table 3 The evaluation of underdosage in brain treated with PCI according to the different criteria of HA

From: Analyses of distribution and dosimetry of brain metastases in small cell lung cancer with relation to the neural stem cell regions: feasibility of sparing the hippocampus in prophylactic cranial irradiation

Different criteria of HA


No. of patients (%)

No. of lesions (%)

Spatial distribution

≤5 mm from hippocampus

14 (5.9%)

15 (1.0%)

≤15 mm from hippocampus

40 (16.8%)

63 (4.2%)

Dose distribution

Hippocampus: D100 ≤ 9Gy

Dmax ≤ 16Gy

26 (10.9%)

41 (2.7%)

  1. HA hippocampal avoidance