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Table 1 Dose constraints

From: Intensity-modulated radiation therapy from 70Gy to 80Gy in prostate cancer: six- year outcomes and predictors of late toxicity


70Gy arm

74Gy arm

80Gy arm

Rectal wall

V45Gy ≤40%

V68Gy < 25%

V50Gy < 46%

V65Gy ≤25%

V45Gy < 45%

V72Gy < 25%

D2% ≤70Gy

D2% ≤74Gy

Dmax ≤76Gy

Bladder wall

V50Gy ≤ 35%

V50Gy <40%

V70Gy ≤ 50%

D2% ≤ 70Gy

V65Gy <25%

Dmax ≤ 80Gy

D2% ≤ 74Gy

  1. Abbreviations: V volume, D Dose, Ex.: V65Gy ≤25% 25% of rectal wall volume receiving no more than 65 Gy, Dmax maximum point dose to an organ, D2% Dnearmax