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Figure 6 | Radiation Oncology

Figure 6

From: Increased Artemis levels confer radioresistance to both high and low LET radiation exposures

Figure 6

Effect of kinase inhibitors on the survival advantage imparted by Artemis over-expression and Artemis phosphorylation following X-ray exposure. BrdU proliferation assays were performed on both wild type HEK293 (A) and cells over-expressing Artemis (B) with and without two different kinase inhibitors, a ATM kinase inhibitor (ATMi) and a DNA PKcs inhibitor (CSi). Shaded regions on these graphs are for visual comparison of the effect ATM inhibition on the ability of wild-type versus Artemis over-expressing cells to proliferate post X-ray exposure. Artemis phosphorylation is indicated by a shift of the total Artemis protein on a Western gel (arrows indicate basally and hyper-phosphorylated forms) following various doses of X-ray and was also monitored plus ATM inhibition (C) and DNA PKcs inhibition (D).

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