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Table 1 Patient and tumor characteristics for IG-IMRT (n = 49) and RP followed by IMRT (n = 49)

From: Exclusive image guided IMRT vs. radical prostatectomy followed by postoperative IMRT for localized prostate cancer: a matched-pair analysis based on risk-groups







(n = 98)

(n = 49)

(n = 49)


Median age – years [range]

66.8 [51.7-82.7]

64.8 [51.7-82.7]

70.2 [53.3-82.4]

< 0.001 £

Median follow-up – months [range]

56.6 [18.22-115.1]

51.5 [18.2-115.1]

62.2 [25.5-106.0]

Clinical T stage

1.0 $

T1c – n (%)

60 (61.2%)

30 (61.2%)

30 (61.2%)

T2 – n (%)

4 (4.1%)

2 (4.1%)

2 (4.1%)

T2a – n (%)

14 (14.3%)

7 (14.3%)

7 (14.3%)

T2b – n (%)

20 (20.4%)

10 (20.4%)

10 (20.4%)

Gleason score on biopsy

1.0 μ

≤ 6 – n (%)

58 (59.2%)

29 (59.2%)

29 (59.2%)

7 – n (%)

40 (40.8%)

20 (40.8%)

20 (40.8%)

Pretherapeutic PSA

0.632 #

Median value – ng/mL [range]

8.7 [1.7 - 32]

8.7 [2.7 - 29]

8.7 [1.7 - 32]

Risk group

1.0 $


30 (30.6%)

15 (30.6%)

15 (30.6%)


62 (63.3%)

31 (63.3%)

31 (63.3%)


6 (6.1%)

3 (6.1%)

3 (6.1%)

Concomitant hormones with radiation

1.0 μ

n (%)

20 (20.4%)

10 (20.4%)

10 (20.4%)

Adjuvant hormones with radiation

0.564 μ

n (%)

14 (14.3%)

6 (12.2%)

8 (16.3%)

Mean dose of radiotherapy

Prostatic fossa – median value (Gy) [range]

70.0 [31.4 – 79.8]

66.0 [31.4 – 70.3]

77.4 [73.0 – 79.8]

< 0.001 #

Rectum – median value (Gy) [range]

38.1 [4.8 – 61.1]

36.0 [4.8 – 57.1]

39.3 [26.5 – 61.1]

0.061 #

Bladder – median value (Gy) [range]

32.7 [15.5 – 67.3]

43.6 [16.8 – 63.7]

31.3 [15.5 – 67.3]

< 0.001 £

  1. * Union for International Cancer Control classification 2002 (6th edition); £ Student’s test; $ Fisher’s exact test; # Kruskall Wallis test; μ: Chi2.
  2. IG-IMRT: Image-guided intensity modulated radiotherapy; RP: radical prostatectomy, PSA: Prostate Specific Antigen.