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Table 1 Hand-foot skin reaction grading

From: Maintenance of Sorafenib following combined therapy of three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy/intensity-modulated radiation therapy and transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in patients with locally advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: a phase I/II study

Grade 1

Numbness, dysesthesia/paresthesia, tingling, painless swelling or erythema of the hands and/or feet and/or discomfort, which does not disrupt normal activities.

Grade 2

Painful erythema and swelling of the hands and/or feet and/or discomfort affecting the patient's activities.

Grade 3

Moist desquamation, ulceration, blistering or severe pain of the hands and/or feet and/or severe discomfort that causes the patient to be unable to work or perform activities of daily living.