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Table 2 Treatment characteristics

From: Orthovoltage intraoperative radiation therapy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma

Type of surgery, n (%):

Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple)

17 (74)


Distal pancreatectomy

2 (9)


Other *

4 (17)

Resection status, n (%):


8 (35)



6 (26)



9 (39)

IORT cone size, median cm (range)

6.25 (5-10)


R0-R2, mean (range)

11.1 (6-15)

IORT dose, Gy

R2, mean (range)

12.1 (6-15)


R1, mean (range)

11 (8-12)


R0, mean (range)

10.3 (8-12)

Post-IORT Treatment:

External beam radiotherapy, n (%)

11 (65)


XRT dose, mean, Gy (range)

49 (45-54)


Systemic therapy**, n (%)

13 (76)

  1. * - resection of recurrence (1), surgical bypass (roux-en-y) (2), cholecystecomy/gastrojejunostomy/choledochojejunostomy (1).
  2. ** - 5-fluorouracil +/- gemcitabine